'My before meals and my after meals'

By Asanda

I miss the short and long breaks at my school, where we used to eat Amagwinya (vetkoeks) with pilchard fish inside them and drink irhemele (ginger beer). It costed R 1, 50 only. We would buy them from Auntie, we named her Sis’Thami the word comes from her real name Nomathamsanqa, and it was a nice lunch to have. Two “vetkoek” were enough for me and I was sorted. Her business was located next to the school entrance.

At home my mother would cook Umgqusho (samp) my favourite supper; Umphokoqo (African salad) my favourite lunch if didn’t attend school for some reasons. Those were/are my favourite meals of the day. I was lucky because she taught me how to cook, how to clean the house and numerous things to do at home.

I came at Rhodes University, it all changed, i eat at Smuts dining hall. My breakfast in which I usually unbooked is fair. Sometimes I get annoyed by different menus for lunch and supper. Today it was worse I even asked the Auntie in the kitchen if she can manage to eat the meal she gave to me. It was one fried potato and quarter leg of chicken and guess what! I was starved; my lunch didn’t go well up until exceeded and took six slices of brown bread to rescue my soul, I admit I obeyed the policy that you have to take not more than four slices of bread. I mean one piece of meat and one potato is not enough for a guy like me. Honestly sometimes I get tired of getting small amount of food whereas I payed thousands and thousands of my fees.

I am saying that I eat differently from the way I used to eat last year. But still people are recommending that I am getting fatter and fatter. A secret is….I always wait for “seconds” in the dining hall and get enough food as I can. I don’t complain I am satisfied with the food I get in this Varsity, its fair…but I promise you go out there and ask students about how they feel about their dining halls and the food they get…and wait for answers!

Oh the time is 18:25 pm its time for my Sunday supper……


I am interested in astronomy and stumbled on your blog thinking it has something to do with "galactic". But now I am terribly confused and not sure which planet I am on: Mirrormiglactic or Mirror Miglactic? I am further confused about Asanda's Lasting Friendship post being posted twice, one with, and one without inverted commas. What's up with that bru? Are you guys doing everything twice? Also I am totally confused how he could have missed his friend's advances...maybe he lead him on perhaps..:) And then why not sort it out, isn't that part of learning at university?
Seems from his latest post that he can be quite arrogant as well, to ask the lady if she would eat the food...what kind of respect is that to someone who is older than him anyway and who is only cooking the food and not buying it? I just have this feeling that this guy is a spoiled brat and if things are not exactly the way he wants it he will take his anger out on others. Here in Sweden we don't behave like that, we take responsibility for our actions!

October 5, 2008 at 4:21 PM  

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