By: Asanda Maki

The time was 22:30 pm and I was at Fountain Laboratory to finish my Journalism assignment which was due before midnight. I was sitting and typing, put my head phones listening to some music. This lab is one of the labs usually filled by students’ not just students but those taking in route in Extend Studies. It is one of my favourite labs at Rhodes.

Apparently I heard daunting noises….shouting and swearing. It was a group of guys in which some of them I recognised sometimes in this lab. I was extremely shocked to see that these guys were DRUNK! Some of them were acting as if they are not while other you could tell that this one has had “some”. Well it was fine there was no one to stop them; I think the security guards didn’t see them entering the labs in the condition they were in, in order to chase them. They were so irritating because they caused high levels of nose in the whole labs…shouting. I saw other female student panicking because of this unstoppable noise. They packed their stuffs and left the lab.

It was when I saw one of them taking out a “nip of Limosin Brandy” while others were holding glasses of “beer”. The lab was smelling alcohol and a disgusting smell. I was so annoyed and irritated…..”Not that I was thirsty”…..my turn passed and I had a great experience…just that this brings the memory of an experience I had in the past weekend.

Things got out of hand when this guy poured the Limosin Brandy for his friend and guess what happened next…..he drunk the rest like he was drinking a juice or water not a spirited brandy and he couldn’t hold himself he was so excited! And shouting….Voetsek! to his friends. They tried to stop him but he was drunk and uncontrollable.

Even though I am afraid of a drunken person because he can do anything to get a fight …but I was just about to go and tell the guy to keep the noise levels down because we are doing academic work…a Campus Protection Unit guard walked in. He didn’t even ask what was happening rather he saw the situation by his own eyes. He went outside I assume he went to call on other guards to come. Apparently I saw his “drunken master’s” friends trying to escape, some pretended they were sober…the CPU caught the drunkard just when him and his friends were trying to escape outside the lab entrance. Then I heard some of his friends saying he is taken to the Campus Protection Unit offices.


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