By Phetane Rapetswane

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I actually do not think there is a lack of apathy towards HIV/AIDS at Rhodes. In fact I feel that the whole HIV situation at Rhodes has been extremely overplayed and is cultish in its behaviour to say the least. I also think that the reason why such few people go for tests is because they are relatively knowledgeable about the virus and how to avoid the virus, and most university students are also knowledgeable about the fact that going for a test is time consuming, and that the time spent on the tedious test could be spent doing something else regardless of how useless it may appear in someone else’s eyes. I think that all these funds that Sharc and the San utilise on privileged educated/intelligent people should rather be invested where the real apathy towards the virus lies which is in the township of Joza, where people just aren’t as knowledgeable as Rhodes students about the Epidemic, and that all the overly enthusiastic people can go make a difference at where all dubious stats like one in four people being HIV positive are actually true.


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