Charlie the God's Child.

By: Asanda Maki

Charlie loves smiling, he is always smiling, “smiling comes from my love for people and I believe smiling can make a difference in someone else’s life” said Charlie with a baritone voice; “And I’m people’s person” he added. He says the way he smiles at people can even irritate them, besides he also believes laughter is the best medicine.

We met just after he finished writing his Economics 102 test; wearing his jean-to-jean jacket in hand holding his 30cm yellow ruler and a question paper, he suggested that we could go to my place close by instead of walking up the hill to Piet Retief house where he lives. In the chilly wind of Tuesday evening we walked from the labs straight to Adamson house, where we got into my spacious room number 10 and Charlie was fascinated by my opera stars posters on the wall.
Nkosoxolo Charlie Mzimane is eighteen years old. He is a relaxed person who does not worry a lot. He says he loves having fun but he does not let that interrupt his life, although he says he is a very responsible person whenever he is having fun. Charlie doesn’t mean having fun as in “clubbing” every Wednesdays until Saturdays as most students at Rhodes University would do, rather he spends his time on his knees praying to God.

He was born in Gcuwa which is also known by its former name Butterworth, situated about 100 km north of East London in the Eastern Cape, but grew up and studied in Margate, south coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Charlie is in his first year studying BCom in Extended Studies program, he says he decided to do BCom through this programme and he thought about that very carefully. It will probably take him 4 years to finish his degree, according to him this will give him more time to think about his career and he thinks it’s beneficial. He loves this course. However he wants to make some changes next year in his choice of academic subjects.

Charlie describes his first year at Rhodes University with one word “hectic”. Because he says there have been a lot of work and lot of personal issues, referring to his relationships at Rhodes, which he refused to mention, overall it has been a good learning curve for him although he had faced countless difficulties. Afterwards I spoke with his close friend Solomzi Ndzumo who sees Charlie as his brother, and says they have shared so many experiences, happy moments and difficult moments. “You see mfowethu Charlie is like a brother to me, he is my diary and he is the only person who understands me the best, we have so many things in common” he said. Solomzi says he knows Charlies’s family and Charlie knows his. Charlie even informed Solomzi about his mother’s illness few months ago and that made him to be depressed. Solomzi says Charlie’s mother’s illness didn’t bring Charlie down to such an extent he wouldn’t cope with his studies instead he became stronger. These two friends say they were in the same class since from school, starting from Grade 7, 10, 12 until in their first year in BCom1F.

Charlie says the main reason as to why he has managed to survive his first year at Rhodes is because he is Christian- he believes in God. He has not found a church in which he belongs in but has currently visited His People, River of Life, SCO and Christians at Rhodes; however he has not joined any of Christian Societies at Rhodes. “All I can say is that God has helped me to sustain and survive my first year at Rhodes” he said. He thinks he is brilliant but at the same time he loves socializing and that is why he doesn’t have enough studying time. “This is where I found God helping me” he said. Other than that he hasn’t achieved any academic achievements besides passing few tests and the recent examinations “in which I didn’t study for” he said, but he achieved a lot.

Charlie is not someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth, “The silver spoon was more like 200km from my mouth and I still haven’t got it yet” said Charlie with laughter. For him life was difficult to such an extent he did not realise he’d be able to make it to Rhodes. Charlie is the Vice-President in Public Relations of Rhodes Toastmasters. Being in this society has made his first year a challenging and exciting year; he says it helped him to juggle his social and academic life. “Being elected in a position of leadership is not something to be excited about, because leading is serving and I feel I could serve better” he said.

Charlie says he is not a hero, but having friend that he has chosen well has been a great deal of help, “because it meant I had formed a support system and I also met some inspiring people that helped me to be encouraged and develop my character and skills at Rhodes” said Charlie.


Ah bra this is an awesome blog... Its a brilliant reflection of the man with a million dollar smile... Keep it up man

October 1, 2008 at 5:59 PM  

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