a letter to a girl that i once was

To my eternal soul

I write you this letter with the biggest grief in my heart and the biggest burden in my mind. Oh how I have wished that I could go back in time and warn you maybe even save you this pain. Your life until the age of eighteen you will wish for time to swallow you up in its constantly spiraling warp of black nothing. You will spend many days crying over nothing where, at that moment, it feels like everything. You will forget all those who have stood by you, who have been your strength and in moments of ultimate selfishness you will try to take the most precious thing that I will define to you as life. On the sixteenth of July 2008 you will find out that your everything is sick, so spend as much time as you can with him, holding his hand and telling him that you love him. Your matric year will be your worst with him, he is going to throw a sandal at you and because we know that his strong side, due to water polo, is his right, dodge to the left. (Don’t worry about matric, you do pretty well). There will be times when you tell him that you hate him and after you have both cooled down, you are going to sit on the end of his bed and remind him of how much you love him. (P.S. try not to kick him in the nose when you are ruffling and tumbling).

You are still really young and this all may seem confusing to you. You have wished that you could be eighteen since forever but being young and innocent is something that I wish that I could get back. Be strong and when you are not, know that you have people to lean on. Never regret what you do and always remember to roll with the punches. Throughout your life you will live by advice that he gives you, this will be the best thing you have ever done. There is so much that I could say but that would be against what he has taught us. When you can make a mistake, make it, just learn from it and when people tell you that you are wrong or when they hold the mistakes that you have made against you, tell them to (rude word) off.

Smile even when your heart is breaking.

Sincerely and forever



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